Workplace Assistance
We work together on creating a plan of action with steps to enable you to find and keep a job in the open or supported labour market.
This may include supports to:
unpack the career assessment results to understand what work would suit you best
coaching and training that includes:
pre-work support to create a successful outcome
teamwork skills
communication skills
understand employer expectations
troubleshooting pre and during employment to ensure success in the workplace
job customisation to meet the needs of the employee
supports to transition from an Australian Disability Enterprise (ADE) to open employment;
develop a career plan; and
any other assistance needed to create a successful engagement in a Disability Employment Service (DES).
Employment Support
Provide support and assistance to the employee on the job
Discovery session
Unpack what work would mean for the individual and uncover needs, challenges and strategies for success.
Build essential foundation skills for work
Assess experience in the workplace and identify gaps in knowledge and understanding of workplace expectations
Managing complex barriers to obtaining and sustaining employment
Troubleshooting and providing support to both the employer and employee to support the placement aiming for success.