School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES)
The purpose of this support is to encourage students with a positive experience and pathway from school into employment. Students are provided with opportunities to gain work experience and learn valuable skills, know what suits them best and what it's like to be an employee. This sets them up for success as they become more confident and build important life skills and become more independent.
Capacity building supports for students transitioning from school to employment. This includes coaching and training topics:
pre-work support to create a successful outcome
teamwork skills
communication skills
understand employer expectations
Career Planning and Assessment of work capability, strengths, interests, barriers and best fit jobs.
“try and test” work experience. Matching employees with employers. Creating positive experiences through preparing the employer and work experience student for a successful placement. Includes on-site support for orientation and ongoing debrief sessions to ensure success or solve any issues.
Focus on practical work skills and interpersonal and communication skills. Teaching skills they need to become an good employee. This may include:
pre-work support to create a successful outcome
building effective workplace relationships
teamwork skills
communication skills (verbal and non-verbal communication)
on-the-job learning
understand employer expectations